AUSTIN — Automatic controllers approved a 8.2-Prozent-Zunahme of the premiums for living insurants along the coast, which is insured to connection by Texas Windstorm insurance. Owners of the commercially used landed property see a 5.4-Prozent-Zunahme under the Mike approved changes Thursday of insurance the assigned Geeslin. Windstorm the connection is a pool of all characteristic insurer, who the insurer of the last erholungsortes for coastal customers serves there, who cannot find wind covering in the market. The new is February. 1 effectively. For living insurants in Texas to 14 coastal counties, rate goes approximately to $84 on an average windstorm policy from $1.023 up, insurance commission wortfuehrer Jerry said Hagins. Windstorm the connection had asked for the 10-per cent-increased for the living and business insurant. She said that the increases were ensured because of a gulf coastal building boom and a lack of the private insurers, wind covering offers. “coast TWIA customers must understand that the costs of converting the houses and the business increased drastically, partly refuelled by the enormous quantity usual and commercial structure along the gulf coast,” said Jerry John, a wortfuehrer for the connection. Confidence on insurance the connection jumped drastically over the last two years, since hurricanes Katrina and Rita struck the gulf coast. The connection now covers more as 213,000 structures, including more than 69,000 added structures this year. “TWIA became the market of the first choice instead of the market of the last erholungsortes,” said of John. A committee of the Galveston characteristic owner opposed the increase, like the office of the general insurance pieces of advice. “the 8,2 per cent will lead to excessive rate, said”, Rod Bordelon, Executivdirektor of the office insurance of the advice. Geeslin ordered that 25 per cent of premiums is put in disaster capital to the cover requirements in the case of a main hurricane. The connection keeps generally $80 million to $100 million available, requirements, the said officials, but, if it runs from money, the connection to pay can load the private companies insurance the condition. In sequence tax credit notes of the condition can look for private business. Texas legislation regarded ways to revise windstorm insurance the capital over for fatal losses to fasten however a solution did not reach. Private business still different kinds characteristic sell insurance along the coast ___ information: Houston chronicle, the Beaumont enterprise,
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