MUMBAI, December. 11, 2007 (Thomson financial supplied of Newstex) — standard and evaluations arms (nyse:MHP) maintain mentioned stagnating sales of the new policy, which is continued to limit in order to weigh on life insurers of Japan in the Ersthaelfte from 2007 to, how problems connected with the non-payment of the valid insurance requirements, which were continued, in order business operations. In a report S&P said that it expects Japanese life insurers to take up their business operations on nearly normal levels in the secondary half of 2007 again after they conclude internal investigations. S&P noticed that as such, it is improbable that slow sales continue. Nevertheless because of the damaged reputations of the life insurers, it is uncertain in high of degrees whether the companies are in that to recover to the preceding levels in the near future. Before according to life insurance the connection of Japan, the total number of new individual life insurance policy in the industry, which will contain from 38 companies, was reduced by 5.7 pct, which were compared with the years period in the Ersthaelfte of 2007. Also the sum total insured for new policy were reduced up to the that 18 pct to year on year. Non-payment the problem resulted in, accepted the increased distrust of the life insurers among customers, who amounted to approximate valid unpaid requirements for total insurance the industry mln requirements 1,31, or approximately 96,4 bln Yen. although profitability to any degree by an expected increase in competition, S&P that companies are in that is pressed believes, to obtain sufficient side edges at least by international comParison medium-term. Said the evaluations agency interest the Remains about increasing value dangers, how market stock and the Yenverbrauchssteuer fell substantially again in intermediary November. If market instability continues, or that market further worsened, levels capitalization of each company come under increasing pressure, despite the improvements in the last years the income kept by unrealised the profits on collateral of getting thing and accumulating, added S&P. Copyright Thomson stock exchange message limited 2007. All rights reserve. The copy, which new edition or the redistribution of Thomson of the stock exchange meaning, including by shapes or the similar means, expressly without prior the written agreement of Thomson stock exchange message forbidden. Newstex identification: AFX-0013-21580328
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